Get six points within two years of passing your test, and you’ll be banned from driving!!! These two years is called a probationary period, and it applies to anyone gaining a new license, regardless of age or experience. Besides that, getting points on your license will make your insurance go up! So remember what I always tell you after passing your practical test and driving the way I have taught you or it will cost you expensive!

1. If you run a red traffic light, you will get three points and a fine of £100.
2. No insurance, a fine up to £5000, 6-8 points, you could be banned indefinitely, and you might have to sit a retest.
3. Speeding, at least three points plus a £100 fine. Contest it when you are in the wrong, and you will get up to six points and a £1000 fine.
4. Using a mobile hand-held, three points plus a £100 fine. Crash while texting or making a call, and you’ll almost certainly be jailed if you kill someone.
5. Drink or drug driving, a 12 month minimum ban, jail for up to six months and up to a £5000 fine, after all that you might get insurance but with a very expensive rate.
6. Fail to stop at a Zebra crossing, three points plus a fine up to £1000.
7. Defective tyres, if they are flat, bald or damaged, you can get a £2500 fine and three points for each faulty tyre.
8. Not in proper control, includes eating, drinking, smoking or being otherwise distracted, three points plus £100 fine.
9. Failing to stop after accident, cause personal injury and you must give your details, then report the incident at a police station. Fail to do so and you could be banned from driving. Either way you will get 5-10 points plus a fine up to £5000.
10. No MOT, you could be fined up to £1000. However, no MOT can mean you also have no Insurance, so will be even worse.
11. Dangerous overtaking, you could be done for driving without due care and attention, which means a fine of up to £2500 and 3-9 points.
12. No driving license, you will get 3-6 points, fined up to £1000 and if driving while disqualified you can be put in jail for six months, finned £5000 and banned indefinitely.